Welcome to SEMMA
South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance
What our Members are Saying
We value SEMMA’s ability to provide an active business networking base for Manufacturing.
SEMMA has been instrumental in providing the latest information and assistance for us on Industry, Government and Community programs and issues.
This allows us to focus on what we do best in Manufacturing, knowing that we have support from SEMMA.
Markus Spindler
General Manager, Nissan Casting Plant
We’ve been SEMMA members for well over a decade.
SEMMA is the only peak employer body that actually understands manufacturing and the support we receive on manufacturing issues is exemplary; notably the advocacy for local manufacturing and robustly pushing the case for members at all levels of government.
Peter Angelico
Managing Director, ABecK Group
SEMMA has been fantastic in aiding both personal growth and business development over the many years of our membership. They have aided us in forging connections and collaborating with other businesses and government.
SEMMA is a great focal point for all those passionate and interested in manufacturing in South East Melbourne and beyond.
Markus Oswald
Managing Director, o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd
The South East Manufacturing industry is the central tenet to the vibrancy and success of the region. SEMMA represents the region’s largest employer and centre of creative innovators & investors, supporting the social & economic fabric of the entire community.
SEMMA represents both its members and more broadly all manufacturers to ensure that the South East remains the premier manufacturing centre of Australia in the 21st century.
Simon Whiteley
Managing Director, Corex Plastics (Australia)
SEMMA provides an incredibly strong network of engaged manufacturers who share our passion for solving industry challenges together.
Swinburne University of Technology is genuine in its focus on industry and our alignment with SEMMA assists us to be current, connected and relevant in the graduates we produce and the research we undertake.
Jane Ward
Former Vice President (Engagement), Swinburne University of Technology
SEMMA provides a comprehensive service that supports and assists their members across a variety of business functions.
Members have the opportunity to participate in numerous networks, forums and briefings where policy development, B2B Connections and business development are generated, leading to improvement, growth and strengthened productivity, profitability and competitiveness.
Darren Laidler
Managing Director, TransGlaze Pty Ltd
We have been SEMMA members now for a decade; it has been one of the strategic moves that has helped us build our business and get to this point. Who you surround yourself with matters, because those are the voices you hear the most and they influence your thinking the most. So being part of a positive and forward looking organisation like SEMMA has helped us year on year.
If you are a manufacturer in Victoria, I strongly recommend you join.
Ray Keefe
Managing Director, Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd