MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – The South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance (SEMMA) says the recent secret report commissioned by the Victorian Government by NAB is proof the Treasurer’s tax grab on Victoria’s businesses has added to the stress and complexity of doing business in Victoria. “Red tape must be reduced for SME’s – and manufacturers feel it the most. Increased land and payroll taxes, WorkCover Premiums and overzealous reporting requirements – are driving manufacturers out of Victoria,” said Honi Walker, SEMMA CEO. “The report is damming for the Victorian Government. Our state is in unprecedented debt levels and the burden of red tape and increased taxes on manufacturers means they will not invest in capital to grow their businesses. They will not be able to employ more skilled people or new apprentices. This report tells the truth of what’s happening in the real world – not the one where Treasurer Pallas lives,” said Ms Walker. SEMMA has invited the Treasurer to a manufacturing industry roundtable but has been snubbed by the Treasurer’s department. “The facts are in black and white and red tape. Victorian manufacturers – the engine room of Victoria’s economy are hurting. They will be forced to leave this state, jobs will go, and Victoria’s economy will slide further into crippling debt, this red tape ridiculousness must stop,” said Ms Walker.
SEMMA has dozens of SME manufacturers that are constantly overburdened by the regulatory regime and know that more taxes are not the answer. “And it’s not just Victoria’s red tape that’s a real problem, the Federal Government’s red tape burdens including the Modern Slavery Act, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act and Workplace Gender Equality Act –
which are supposedly for $100M plus businesses – are impacting SME’s as they send the unnecessary and burdensome compliance down the line.”
“We are calling for a streamlining of these regulatory requirements. Reducing red tape will free-up manufacturers to do what they do best – create jobs, underwrite and grow Victoria’s economy”, said Ms Walker.
SEMMA, the South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance, is a membership-based organization that represents the interests of manufacturing businesses in the South East Melbourne region. The South East region of Melbourne generates $54b in gross regional product, hosts 50% of Melbourne’s manufacturing jobs employing 232,903 people and provides 24% of Victoria’s overall $227b manufacturing output.*Data from Remplan CGD 2024
NOTE TO EDITORS: CEO and President available for comment on request. Contact Honi Walker, SEMMA CEO, | 0422 488 678
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