SEMMA has joined forces with The Australian Made Campaign (AMCL) to support the continued growth of Australia’s local manufacturing sector. SEMMA is excited to partner with Australian Made as we work to highlight our members’ locally made products and world-class capabilities.

This alliance will help improve members’ access to Australian Made branding resources in a time when there has never been more community and media focus on Australian products. With around 9 in 10 people preferring to buy Australian made when given the chance (Roy Morgan 2019), SEMMA encourages our members to consider the Australian Made accreditation as a tool to inform buyers, showcase their local product and standout in the local and global marketplace.

Australian Made Chief Executive, Ben Lazzaro, said the partnership supports the continued growth of local manufacturing on the global stage.

“Australian manufacturers produce some of the best products in the world, celebrated both here and overseas. Melbourne’s South East produces everything from yoghurt to trains, from buses, bolts and everything in between,” Mr Lazzaro said.

“It is essential that we foster a manufacturing environment that encourages and assists manufacturers to innovate and build on their success, as well as providing pathways to new markets. The result is a healthy manufacturing sector, job creation and better access to markets,” he said.

SEMMA Chief Executive Officer, Honi Walker, said, “Australian local manufacturers are exactly that, local. They use local suppliers and create local jobs. We proactively represent our local manufacturers on matters of importance to the industry and the region and are excited to partner with Australian Made.”

“The fundamental idea behind buying locally made products from local suppliers is that our wider community is strengthened, building resilience into our supply chains and workforce in a time when it is needed more than ever as we strengthen our Sovereign Capability and encourage our Local Content policy.”

“Manufacturing provides essential products locally and exports globally. There are only a few other industries that contribute to our economy and community like manufacturing,” she said.

Successful Endeavours Managing Director, Ray Keefe, is a SEMMA Member and long-time campaigner for Australian manufacturing.

“Made in Australia is going through a rethink. Somehow, we convinced ourselves it couldn’t be done. The COVID-19 crisis has forced us to relook at this and guess what we found; not only can it be done, but it can be done very well,” Mr Keefe said.

“We Australians are very good at problem solving and creative thinking. But give us an important enough problem and we are very good at working out a how.”

It’s Australian Made Week 20-26 May, 2024.

To find locally manufactured products or learn more about the AMCL accreditation process, visit